Hotel Booking



Room booking management

Manage booked / reserved / available rooms.

Facility management

Manage hotel facility, services, etc...

Amenities management

Pool, restaurant & can be all managed from 1 place

Restaurants management

Guest reservation and point of sale

Rewarding program

Retaining existing customers through incentives and loyalty programs

Online booking

Use your website for online booking.

Document management

Track, manage and store documents

Business intelligence reporting

Create all kinds of reports daily, weekly, monthly.

Mobile and tablet friendly

Work on the go or at any desktop device.

Customer Service and Ticketing Management


Website, mass mailing & surveys

HR management


Fleet management


Project management

Mobile & Tablet Friendly

Can work almost on any device

User Friendly

Achieve more with less effort following step by step work flow

Fully Integrated

Every feature are full integrated with each other for more efficient results


Automated logs on every action per uses per transaction.

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